Wednesday, June 13, 2018

I have arrived at Ruymonji for summer ango. I loved the thunderstorm on the evening I arrived. Ryumonji could not have prepared a better welcome for me if they had a hundred years to plan for my arrival. It has been a busy time as we prepare for the arrival of guests for the sesshin that opens the Ango. There has also been a party for the birthday of the Abbot. There was a potluck in town with great food and a large carrot cake.Doing lots of dishes and I am enjoying the morning service so far.
Getting up early does not seem to be a problem so far, but I assume that will change as the sleep hours are reduced and the daily activities increase. Put on the full robes yesterday for the first time in years. This morning I managed to get tied up in my okesa as I tried to put it on in the sodo. The first arrival for the ango is due any moment. I am settling my bottom in the saddle and getting ready to ride.